' Strange and wonders of the human body

Strange and wonders of the human body

، عجائب الانسان السبع، عجائب جسم الإنسان، غرائب جسم الإنسان، غرائب عن جسم الإنسان،الأجهزة الداخلية لجسم الإنسان، عدد أعضاء جسم الإنسان، من اهم أعضاء جسم الإنسان، الأعضاء الحيوية لجسم الإنسان، نعم الله في جسم الإنسان، معلومات عن جسم الإنسان وصحته،

Strange and wonders of the human body

 The content of the topic.

 * Strange and wonders of the human body *

 * Cranes and wonders of bacteria and skin cells *

 * Strange and wonders of the human body *

 # The belly button contains about 67 different types of bacteria.

 # The child does not shed tears until after he is at least a month old.

 # The human nose distinguishes about a trillion types of different smells, and it has been scientifically proven.

 * Cranes and wonders of bacteria and skin cells *

 Bacteria *

 # Did you know that there are bacteria in the human mouth, and the number of these bacteria is close to the number of people on the surface of the globe, and they are eliminated through the toothpicks.

 * the skin *

 Ghabra, which is found in the house, 70% of this dust is formed from the dead cells of the human body, where the human body produces about 680.4 grams of dead interstitials every year and these dead cells turn into dust.

 The cells of the human body are constantly renewed without stopping due to the proliferation of cell death. In one minute, about 300 million cells die, and scientists have confirmed that there are approximately 50 thousand cells that are renewed every second.

 The largest cell in the human body is found in the female, and this cell is the ovum that is found in the female.

 As for the smallest cell, it is found in the zakur, which is the sperm.

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