' Wonders and strange human beings

Wonders and strange human beings

، Wonders and strange human beings،The seven wonders of mankind, wonders of the human body, oddities of the human body, oddities about the human body, internal organs of the human body, the number of human body organs, among the most important parts of the human body, vital organs of the human body, grace of God in the human body, information about the human body and its health  ,

Wonders and strange human beings 

All human beings are strange and wonders, for God, glory be to Him, has excelled in the creation of man. Imagine with me that the entire human body is wonders and strange, so that scientists have conducted a lot of research on the human body, so today you will talk about the wonders and strange things of the human body.

 .  Among those wonders is that there is a region in the human body that does not contain blood. Blood runs in the human body and all parts except the cornea of ​​the eye is the only reward that does not have blood.

 It is known that all the body’s apparatus stops working when a person dies. It is strange that there is a moment in which all the body’s apparatus stops working and that is when we sneeze until the heart stops working.

 .  Man is about water. One of the strange and wondrous things is that a person dies if he loses 20 body water in water.

 .  One of the wonders and strange things is that human blood cuts traps and trips inside the blood veins, and this distance is nine thousand kilometers a day through these bloody veins.

 .  All organs stop growing, from the weird and wondrous that the ears and the nose are the only ones that do not stop growing throughout life.

 Do you know how a dog knows that a person is afraid and not?  One of the wonders and strange things is that the human body secretes a specific smell when fearful, and for this reason, dogs, lions and all animals recognize that a person is fearful and loyal.

 One of the wonders and strange things is that a person feels comfortable when he cries, because the tears contain chemicals that relieve pain, and these substances are implanted by the brain when a person cries.

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