' Wonder and miracles of the Holy Quran

Wonder and miracles of the Holy Quran

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Wonder and miracles of the Holy Quran

1 - God said: (Then He turned to Heaven when it was smoke). She separated: 11

 These verses were delivered at the Scientific Conference of the Qur'anic Miracle held in Cairo, and when the Japanese Professor (Yoshidi Kozai) heard that verse, he was surprised and said that the amazing science and scientists did not reach this amazing reality until recently after the powerful satellite cameras took pictures and live movies showing a star while he was  It consists of a large mass of thick thick smoke.

 Then he added that our previous information before these films and live photos was based on the wrong theories that the sky was fog.

 And he said, By this we will have added to the miracles of the Qur’an an amazing new miracle that confirmed that who told it is God who created the universe billions of years ago.

 2 - God said: “Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth are darn, then let us conspire them?” Prophets: 3

 The astonishment of the scholars at the Islamic Youth Conference held in Riyadh in 1979 reached its climax when they heard the noble verse and said: Indeed, the universe at its beginning was a huge nebular gas fume cloud attached and then gradually turned into millions of millions of stars that filled the sky.

 Then the American professor (Palmer) stated that what was said can in no way be attributed to a person who died 1,400 years ago because he had no telescopes or spacecraft helping to discover these facts, so he who told Muhammad must be God (the professor declared)  Ballmer) converted to Islam at the end of the conference.

 3 - God said: (And make us from water every living thing, so that they do not believe) Prophets: 30

 And modern science has proven that any living creature is made up of a high percentage of water, and if it loses 25 percent of its water, it will inevitably destroy its grain because all chemical reactions within the cells of any living organism take place only in an aqueous medium.  So where did Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, with this medical information ??

 4 - God said: (And the heavens we built with hands, but we are enlarged) Aldariat: 47

 And modern science has proven that the sky is constantly expanding, so who told Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, of this fact in these backward ages?  Did he own telescopes and satellites? !!  Or is it a revelation from God, the creator of this great universe ???  Is this not conclusive evidence that this Qur’an is a truth from God ???

 5- God said (And the sun runs to settle for her. That is the appreciation of the dear, the most knowledgeable) Yes: 38

 And modern science has proven that the sun is traveling at 43200 miles per hour, and since the distance between us and the sun is 92 million miles, we see it as a constant that does not move, and an American professor surprised upon hearing that Qur’anic verse and said that I find it very difficult to imagine that Qur’anic science that has reached such  These scientific facts that we were not able to learn from them until recently.

 6 - God said (And whoever desires to mislead him, makes his chest narrow and critical, as if he ascends in the sky) Al-Anam: 125

 Now when you get on a plane and fly you and go up in the sky, how do you feel?  Don't you feel chest tightness?  In your opinion, who told Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, 1400 years ago?  Did he own his own spacecraft, through which he could know this physical phenomenon?  Or is it a revelation from God Almighty ???

 7 - God said (And what night do we have the day from which we should flush from the day, so when they are darkened) Yes: 37
 And God said (And we have decorated the earthly heaven with favors): King: 5

 As the two generous verses indicate, the universe is steeped in dark darkness, even though we are in broad daylight on the surface of the earth, and scientists have seen the earth and the rest of the planets of the solar system lit in broad daylight while the heavens around them are sunk in the dark, so who would have known the days of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, that  Darkness is the dominant state of the universe?  And that these galaxies and stars are only small and weak lamps that do not nearly dispel the darkness of the surrounding universe, so they looked like decorations and lamps, no more?  When these verses were read in the hearing of an American scholar, he was stunned and admired greatly, surprised by the astonishment of the majesty and majesty of this Qur’an, in which he said that this Qur’an can be nothing but the words of sucking the mm of this universe, which is aware of its secrets and minutes.

 8 - God said (And we made the sky a preserved roof) the Prophets: 32

 And modern science has proven the presence of the atmosphere surrounding the Earth, which protects it from harmful solar radiation and destroyed meteorites.  They quickly extinguish and disappear, and this is what we call the meteors. Who told Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that the sky, like the roof, protects the Earth from meteorites and harmful solar rays?  Is this not from the definitive evidence that this Qur’an is from the creator of this great universe ???

 9 - God said: (And the mountains as pegs). News: 7
 And God said: (And put my mind on the ground to extend to you) Luqman: 10

 Since the crust of the earth and the mountains, plateaus and deserts on it rise above the liquid depths and the moving mollusk known as the (cinema layer), the earth's crust and its on it will expand and move continuously and the movement will result in massive cracks and earthquakes that destroy everything .. But nothing of this happened ...  Reason ?

 It was found recently that two-thirds of any mountain planted deep in the ground and in the (Sima caste) and only a third are raised above the surface of the earth, so God Almighty likened the mountains to the pegs that hold the tent to the earth as in the previous verse, and these verses were delivered at the Islamic Youth Conference that was held  In Riyadh in 1979, the American Professor (Palmer) and the Japanese geologist (Sardo) were stunned, and they said that it is not reasonable in any way that this is human talk, especially since it was said 1400 years ago because we did not reach these scientific facts only after extensive studies using the technology of the century  The twentieth century that was not present in an era where ignorance and backwardness prevailed all over the earth) The debate was attended by scientist (Frank Press), the American President’s adviser (Carter), who specializes in geology and seas, and said, surprised, that Muhammad cannot be aware of this information, and he must have taught it to him.  The creator of this universe, knowing with its secrets, laws and designs).

 10- God said (And you see the mountains counting them as rigid, and they pass by the clouds, God made them who mastered everything) Ants: 88

 We all know that the mountains are fixed in their place, but if we rise from the earth away from its gravity and atmosphere, we will see the earth rotating at a tremendous speed (100 miles per hour) and then we will see the mountains as if they are moving the path of clouds, that is, their movement is not subjective, but is related to the movement of the earth just like the clouds that do not move  Himself, but it is driven by the wind, and this is evidence of the movement of the earth.  Is not God ??

 11 - God said: (The Marjis of the two seas meet) between them with an isthmus that they do not want) Rahman: 19-20

 It has been found through recent studies that each sea has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other seas, such as the intensity of salinity and the specific weight of water until its color that changes from one place to another due to variations in temperature, depth and other factors.  The result of the meeting of the waters of two seas, and this is exactly what was mentioned in the previous two verses.  It is as simple as Muhammad to be familiar with this science in ages where backwardness and ignorance prevailed.

 12 - God said (And send us the wind to be blasphemy) Surat Al-Hijr: 22

 This is proven by modern science, as one of the benefits of wind is that it carries pollen grains to pollinate flowers that will later become fruits. Who told Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, that the wind pollinates flowers?  Is not this evidence that confirms that this Qur’an is the word of God ???

 13 - God said: “Whenever their skins have matured, we have replaced them with skins other than them, to taste the torture.” Women: 56

 Modern science has proven that the sensory particles for pain and heat are present in the skin layer alone, and although the skin will burn with the muscles beneath it and other things, the Qur’an did not mention it because the feeling of pain belongs to the skin layer alone.  Who told Muhammad this medical information?  Is not God ??

 14 - God said: (or Kzlmat in a sea of ​​covered by waves ing it from the waves above the clouds above the darkness of each other out if his hand was barely seen and from God did not make him Nora Fmalh of light) Light: 40

 The ancient man could not dive more than 15 meters because he was unable to remain without breathing for more than two minutes and because the veins of his body would explode from the pressure of water and after submarines were available in the twentieth century it became clear to scientists that the seabeds were very dark as they discovered that each sea had accessed two layers of  The water, the first is deep and very dark, covered by a moving, intense wave and another surface layer, which is also dark and covered by the waves that we see on the surface of the sea.

 The American scientist (Hill) was astonished by the greatness of this Qur’an, and he was more surprised when the miracles in the second part of the verse were discussed with him.  Air does not occur except in North America, Russia and the Scandinavian countries near the pole, which were not discovered in the days of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. This Qur’an must be the word of God).

 15 - God said: “The Romans were overcome * in the lowest land” Romans: 2-3

 The lowest earth: the lowest spot on the surface of the earth. The rum was conquered in Palestine near the Dead Sea, and when this verse was discussed with the famous geologist (Palmer) at the International Scientific Conference that was held in Riyadh in 1979, he immediately denied this and announced to the public that there are many places on  The surface of the earth is lower, so scientists asked him to confirm his information, and from reviewing his geographical plans, the scientist (Palmer) was surprised with a map of his maps showing the terrain of Palestine, on which a thick arrow was drawn indicating the area of ​​the Dead Sea.  His admiration and appreciation emphasized that this Qur’an must be the word of God.

 16 - God said: (They will create you in the wombs of your mothers, by creation after creation in three darks). Al-Zumar: 6

 Muhammad was not a doctor, and he was not able to dissect a pregnant woman, nor did he receive lessons in anatomy and fetuses. Rather, this knowledge was not known before the nineteenth century. The meaning of the verse is very clear and modern science has proven that there are three films surrounding the fetus, namely: First:

 The adherent membranes that surround the fetus are made up of the membrane that makes up the endometrium, the placental membrane, and the tuberculosis. These three membranes constitute the first darkness of their adhesion.

 Second: the uterine wall, which is the second darkness. Third: the abdominal wall, which is the third darkness.  So where did Muhammad Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, with this medical information? ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ ??

 17 - God said: (Have you not seen that God Extends clouds, and then compose himself and then makes it ruins you see the rain come through and come down from the sky from the mountains where the cold afflicts him whom He and spends about whom he is almost not Burka goes Balobesar) Light: 43

 Scientists say: the cumulus clouds begin to form with a few cells, as the cotton is pushed by the wind to merge each other into a giant cloud problem such as the mountain, which reaches a height of 45,000 feet, and the top of the cloud is very cold with respect to its base, and because of this difference in temperature, swirls arise that lead to the formation of cold beads in  The height of the mountain cloud is how many lead to electrical discharges that emit brilliant sparks of light that strike the pilots on the sky page with what is called (temporary blindness), and this is what the verse described completely.  So would Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, come with this accurate information from him ???

 18 - God said (And they kept in their caves three hundred years and increased to nine) Cave: 25

 What is meant in the verse is that the owners of the cave have stayed in their cave 300 solar years and 309 lunar years, and it has been confirmed to mathematicians that the solar year is 11 days longer than the lunar year, and if we multiply the 11 days by 300 years, the result is 3300 and by dividing this number by the number of days of the year (365  The result becomes 9 years.  Was it possible for our master Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, to know how long the people of the Cave stayed in the lunar and solar calendar ???

 19- God said: “And if the flies rob them of something, the weak and demanded of the students do not exhaust it.” Hajj: 73

 And modern science has proven that there are secretions in flies that turn what you pick up into materials completely different from what you picked up, so we cannot know the truth of the material that you picked up and therefore we can never exhaust this material from them.  Who then told Muhammad this, was it not God, the Exalted, the Exalted, the world of all matters, who told him?

 20 - God said: (and We created man from a strain of clay * then we made the decision sperm McCain * then created sperm leech Hirudo Fajlguena chewed substance embryo bones Vksona bone meat, then we have created another blessed God created the best Alkhagayn) Believers: 11-13
 God said: (O people, if you are in doubt of the Baath I created you from dust, then from the sperm and then leech then chew synthetic and non-synthetic to show you) Hajj: 5

 From the preceding verses, it is clear that man’s creation is carried out in stages as follows:

 1- Dirt: The evidence for that is that all the mineral and organic elements from which the human body is made are found in dirt and clay, and the second evidence is that after his death he will become dust that does not differ from dirt in something.

 2- Sperm: It is that which breaks the wall of the egg and results in that fertilized egg (the semen of the gametes), which stimulates the cell divisions that make the semen the gametes grow and multiply until they become an integrated fetus, as in the Almighty saying, “We created man from the type of skin”: 2

 3- The leech: After the cell divisions that occur in the fertilized egg, a mass of cells resembles in its microscopic shape the fruit of the berries (leech), which is characterized by its amazing ability to attach to the wall of the uterus to derive the necessary food from the vessels in it.

 4- The embryo: the embryo cells are created to give the buds of the limbs, organs and various organs of the body, so they are composed of synthetic cells, while the membranes surrounding the embryo (the placental membrane and the villi that will be converted to salvation later) are non-synthetic cells, and under the microscopic study it appears that the embryo at the embryo stage appears  Like a piece of meat or chewing gum with dental marks and chewing molars.

 Doesn’t this confirming the Almighty’s saying (from a fabricated and unethical embryo)?  Did Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, had an Eco device through which he knew this fact ?!

 5- The appearance of the bones: It has been scientifically proven that the bones begin to appear at the end of the masticatory stage, and this corresponds to the arrangement mentioned in the verse (so we created the masticated bone)

 6- Clothe the bone with the flesh: Modern embryology has proven that the muscles (the flesh) are formed a few weeks after the bone and the muscular cladding is associated with the skin cladding of the fetus, and this corresponds exactly to the Almighty’s saying (so we covered the flesh)

 When the seventh week of pregnancy is almost complete, the stages of creating the fetus are over and its shape is close to resembling the fetus, and it takes some time to grow, its growth, its length, and its weight, and it takes its known doubt.

 And now: Was it possible for Muhammad Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, to give this medical information when he lived in an era where ignorance and backwardness prevail ???

 These great verses were delivered at the seventh medical miracle conference of the Noble Qur’an in 1982, and as soon as the Thai scientist (Tajas), a specialist in embryology, heard these verses, he announced immediately and without hesitation that there is no god but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God, as the conference was attended by the famous professor (Keith Moore)  He is a senior professor at American and Canadian universities and said (It is impossible for your Prophet to have known all these subtle details about the phases of creation and conception of the fetus from himself and he must have been in contact with a great scientist who showed him these different sciences, which is God) and he declared his Islam in  The conference that was held in 1983 and explained the miracles of the Qur'an in the Arabic language in his famous university book, which is taught to medical students in colleges of America and Canada.
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