' The world that became Muslim because of the sea

The world that became Muslim because of the sea

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The world that became Muslim because of the sea

"The Story of Islam, the World of Seas, Jacques Cousteau"
 ☆ Time: 1977.
 ☆ Place: Academy of Sciences, Paris.
 Where more than five thousand scientists gathered in applied sciences and in biology and marine sciences.  When they called for his name, he rose from the ranks and slowly walked towards the podium and the eyes all looked admired and loved. He is the largest scholar in the affairs of the seas, and he is the author of studies and discoveries leading in this vital field of science.  And when he stood on the podium ... the rhetoric stuttered with words that only the Arabs and Muslims did not understand. As for the non-Arabic speakers, they are the majority of the crowd, they were surprised by those who muttered and did not understand anything from them.  He launched it in the space of this discreet scientific academy and announced it with full force and clarity: I bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God ..
 Yes .. Jacques Cousteau became the most famous and prominent sailor in the twentieth century. Why did he convert to Islam?  We leave the talk to Kosto himself to tell us about the reason for his conversion to Islam .. Cousteau said before the crowd attending this scientific conference:
 I have seen the splendid ayatollahs in these seas that I studied for many years of my life, and then I found the Holy Quran had spoken of and mentioned them 14 centuries ago.
 The audience asked him: Like what?
 He said: This issue that I saw myself.  I studied the Strait of Gibraltar and the Strait of Bab al-Mandab at the Red Sea, the first separating Gibraltar between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, and the second separating the Bab al-Mandab between the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean.  It was assumed that the large ocean overwhelms its water on the sea smaller than it, such as the scattered vessels, but this did not happen and will never happen, I have found that there is a third sea separating them, this sea has its characteristics that are unique to Bahrain, and this uniqueness in everything  Salinity, density, fish and temperature,
 Rather, waves and fish never enter this separator.  One of the fellow sailors from the Yemeni people spoke to me and said to me: This matter which I mentioned is present in the Holy Qur’an and these verses were followed by me: {Marj Bahrain meets * between them with an isthmus they do not want} Rahman: 19, 20
 And the Almighty said: {He made the land a decision and made rivers through it, and made it anchored to it and made between Bahrain a barrier of God with God, but most of them do not know} Ants: 61
 These scientific gestures indicate a clear, sincere and unequivocal indication that God was the one who revealed to Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, these verses and this great Qur’an.  Otherwise, who told Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that there are water barriers and separations between seas and oceans?  It is God .. It is God.
 Silence and silence prevailed over all of them, while they were in astonishment and amazement at what they were hearing .. (Jacques Cousteau) continued his speech saying: And the other thing that invited me to Islam is this verse: {And the phase * and a book written * in parchment * and the house * and the raised ceiling * and the sea ascended  } Phase: 1-6, it is a strange and terrible verse .. The sealed sea, that is: the sea is burning fire, yes, all the oceans and the great seas come out from their bottoms of fire and we have photographed this phenomenon .. Yes, we photographed it in the depths of the oceans and studied it .. Did I not tell you that this  The Qur’an is from God and not from Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.
 Then he presented these scientific phenomena on the television screen and explained them in a detailed and deep explanation.
 (Jacques Cousteau), the famous French scientist of the seas, converted to Islam after convincing an unquestionable conviction that the Qur’an is a speech of God Almighty and that Islam is the true religion and that Muhammad is sincere in transmitting the word of God to us
A brief history of him and his achievements in marine sciences
 Jacques-Yves Cousteau - It is almost the college individual who is responsible for introducing millions of people to the part of the underwater world.  Cousteau’s 60-year journey to the sea was not just an exploration adventure.  The ocean technologist, as he used to call himself, has contributed to innovations and projects that underpin many environmental technology research today.

 He was born in the middle of 1910. Although the beginnings of his academic career were faltering!  However, his interest in innovation began at the age of eleven before he developed an interest in filming and then crystallized his passion for diving and deep exploration mechanisms after graduating from the Naval Academy and joining the French Navy.

 During World War II, Costo worked on intelligence works for the French army.
 In 1943, he and his colleague, engineer - Emile Gagnan - developed a water lung design - Aqualung - or a compressed air cylinder that divers use today and which represented a breakthrough that enabled explorers to finally remain underwater without relying on the stock of the lungs.  The idea was brought up in French markets in 46¡ and reached America in 52 to impose itself on the world of diving after that. Costo was promoted after the war to the rank of captain.  He was then appointed to head the French Oceagraphy Program.  In 1950 he bought the Calypso ship, to which his reputation was associated, to serve as his marine research center for the next forty-six years.  (Cousteau) intended to produce a number of documentaries and books in order to finance his travels and to spread awareness of the depths environment in an unprecedented gesture at the time, which was a resounding success.  Indeed, his first documentary, The Silent World, won the first prize at the 1956 Cannes Festival. It is a production that was not touched by another documentary producer until - Michael Moore - came to his movie - Fahrenheit 9/11 after forty-eight years.
 Costo retired from the French Navy to devote himself to his research projects.  In 1957, he was appointed director of the Monaco Oceanographic Museum.  He established a depth research group in length.  In addition, he headed the -Conshelf- program for long-term human residence experiments with deep-sea colonies.
 And his pioneering efforts to develop mechanisms have not stopped.  In 1963 he developed an underwater camera, Nikon later acquired its rights to produce it under the name Nikos, and Kosto also worked on building a two-person submarine SP-350 operating at a depth of 350 meters at the bottom of the ocean.  To achieve in 1965 an achievement by arriving with an improved version of it to a depth of 500 meters.  In 1980 another model of a single-passenger jet submarine called TURBOSAIL was launched.

 The popular image of Costo began to appear when he organized a campaign that attracted worldwide attention against the European Atomic Energy Complex (EURATOM) attempt to get rid of its nuclear waste in the Principality of Monaco in 1960. The train carrying these waste was stopped by women and children who stuck to the railway and returned it to its source.  Summoned (Cousteau) then
 For discussion with French President Charles de Gaulle on the background of these events.

 In 1968, he was asked to participate in a series of television programs to introduce the public to the hidden world of the sea
 .  Thus was the Undersea World program, which presented an average world of ocean research for eight years to the general public.  And to occupy a firm place.  Even among Arab viewers.  As one of the most important features of television education.  The program has made him a world star.  It also made attention to the marine environment a popular concern.  What prompted him to establish
 A non-profit organization in its name to protect marine life exceeds the number of its members today three hundred thousand.
 Today, Kosto is a symbol of the spirit of science and adventure for the environment.  He has been awarded the French Academy.  He was awarded the American Medal of Freedom twice by Presidents Carter and Reagan. He also received the United Nations International Environment Prize and was appointed a consultant to it and the World Bank.  Although Cousteau died in 1997 from a heart attack, his legacy is still alive and driving much of the global effort.  Even his ship, the Calypso, which sank after colliding with a barge in 1996, was later recovered to remain a witness to his accomplishments.  As the world awaits the launch of its successor, Calypso 2, whose costumes have once been designed by Costo to bring together the elite of marine environmental research technologies.  Or, as Sheikh Dr. Abdullah Al-Musleh, Secretary-General of the International Commission for Scientific Miracles in the Qur’an and Sunnah said in a TV program on the same topic

 You can mercy on him because he is one of your Muslim brothers

 May God forgive and have mercy on you, Yajak Kostou, and put these works in the balance of your good deeds
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