' Miracle of ants in the Quran

Miracle of ants in the Quran

Miracle of ants in the Quran،Which religion has most converts? ، Who converted to Islam? ، What is Qareen Jinn? ، Who is Muslim under Muslim law

Miracle of ants in the Quran

Today we will tell you, through our website, a strange and strange group of short, new and very expressive stories for lovers of reading interesting and useful stories .. Today we tell you a story that may be surprising, because the story about the man who became Muslim because of an ant is one of the most wonderful stories that indicates the greatness of the Qur’an and the extent of its beauty and accuracy.

The man who became Muslim due to an ant

A number of years ago, a group of Christian scholars of the West decided to gather and search in the Holy Qur’an to find a mistake in order to prove their argument that the Islamic religion is not correct in it.  ants ant said O ants Enter your dwellings Ihtmenkm Solomon and his soldiers, they do not feel ".. here are ruling over them joy and the bed to the maximum degree where they thought their ignorance that this error in the Koran God forbid, where they said that the use of the word" Ihtmenkm "is incorrect because crashing have a glass or  Hard things, so how can an ant be destroyed by flesh and blood ?!  It is not a breakable subject, so this is evidence of the error in the Qur’an and the Islamic religion in their view.
 They quickly spread their discovery in the world and did not find anyone to respond to because of the lack of Muslim scholars who had researched this matter before, until an Australian scientist had conducted many researches for these weak creatures to find what made the world stand amazed .. He found that the ant contains a ratio  A large glass, which makes the use of this word in the Qur'an true and appropriate one hundred percent .. And because of this discovery the Australian scientist declared his Islam .. Glory be to God who guides whom He wills.
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Miracle of ants in the Quran

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